Unity camera modding

After the official Dead by Daylight got released, the company who made shitty 2.5D DBD rip off game shutted down my mod apk against platinmods that i'm from and all apk sites even they host original apk. I don't know where I can share the mod safety so I don't bother modding this shity game anymore

Here is how I made camera zoom out mod:

Look inside CameraController class, there is Awake method

private void Awake()
                      float num = (float)Screen.width / (float)Screen.height;
                      this.thirdPersonCamera.fieldOfView = 1920f / num / 100f;
                      this.firstPersonCamera.fieldOfView = 1920f / num / 100f * 6f;
                      this.oldCamera.fieldOfView = 1920f / num / 100f;

Change the camera float number 100f to anything below 100f to zoom out. example: 35f



Video example:

So now you have learned about camera modding.


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