How to fix game assets downloading error
This tutorial is for games that are using Play Asset Delivery. If you encountered downloading issues, it is because Google Play Store has a so called “anti-cheat”, detecting modded/tampered APK and prevents downloading assets to the game. The detection were added since version v39.6.26. Follow any of these methods below to bypass the detection
Non-root methods (Android 14 and below):
Note: Android 15 may come with factory version of Play Store above v39.6.26. Please stay on Android 14 as long as possible
Method #1 (Block Play Store update):
Highly recommended if you want to use old version of Play Store for long term
Wi-Fi connection is required to be able to use Shizuku.
The video tutorial is available (Use any free VPN (Like app) if the video does not load in your country):
- Download and install Shizuku app: Download | Shizuku
- Follow the guide to activate Shizuku via wireless debugging or by connecting to a computer User manual | Shizuku
- Once activated, close Shizuku app. Note: Do NOT disable “Developer options” or “USB debugging”, or Shizuku will be stopped
- Download UpdateLocker APK (Launcher icon version), we will use it for LSPatch later. DO NOT install it: Releases · Xposed-Modules-Repo/ru.mike.updatelocker
- Download and install LSPatch APK: Releases · LSPosed/LSPatch
- Open LSPatch
- Click on the red box that says "Shizuku service not connected" and click on “Allow all the time”. The box should be blue that says "Shizuku service available"
- Click on the 2nd tab (Manage) at the bottom and click on “+” button
- Select the directory where you have stored the UpdateLocker APK (e.g. Downloads folder)
- Choose "Select apk(s) from storage"
- Select UpdateLocker
- Click Start Patch and click Install
- Click on UpdateLocker and choose Module scope
- Select UpdateLocker and click on the checkmark button at the bottom-right corner
- Click on UpdateLocker and choose Optimize
- Open UpdateLocker
- Click on Select
- Check Show system apps and select Google Play Store
- Click Save
- Download Google Play Store 39.6.25-21 APK or any versions below v39.6.26: [0] [PR] 604467617-apk
- Open Settings -> Apps -> All apps (or Settings -> Apps & notifications)
- Click on Google Play Store
- Click on the three-dot menu button in the top-right corner and hit Uninstall updates.
- Install Google Play Store 39.6.25-21 APK
- Start the game. The game will be able download assets without issues
What to do if the Play Store update is still not blocked:
Troubleshooting #1
- Reboot your device
- Follow the guide to activate Shizuku again
- In Shizuku app, Click on "Authorized (number) applications"
- Disable & enable LSPatch
- Open LSPatch
- Click on the 2nd tab (Manage) at the bottom and click on "+" button
- Click on UpdateLocker and choose Module scope
- Unselect UpdateLocker and click on the checkmark button at the bottom-right corner
- Click on UpdateLocker and choose Optimize
- Open UpdateLocker
- Disable & enable module
- Click on Select
- Check Show system apps and re-select Google Play Store again
- Click Save
- Open Settings -> Apps -> All apps (or Settings -> Apps & notifications)
- Click on Google Play Store
- Click on the three-dot menu button in the top-right corner and hit Uninstall updates.
- Install Google Play Store 39.6.25-21 APK or below again
- Start the game. The game will be able download assets without issues
Troubleshooting #2
Try use an older version of UpdateLocker APK and redo the Troubleshooting #1. Or you can try start over again
Method #2 (Running game)
- Run the game until you are getting asset download error or stuck on downloading assets.
- Go back to your home screen. Do not close the game
- Open Settings -> Apps -> All apps (or Settings -> Apps & notifications)
- Click on Google Play Store
- Click on the three-dot menu button in the top-right corner and hit Uninstall updates.
- Pay attention to the factory version of the Play Store. If the factory version is too old (e.g. v27.x.xx), Download Google Play Store 39.6.25-21 or any versions below v39.6.26 and install it: [0] [PR] 604467617-apk
- Go back to the running game
- If you got an error message, keep retrying until it downloads, or if it already hangs on downloading assets, it should resolve automatically and it will download by itself. You might need to wait for a minute.
Method #3 (Downgrade Play Store)
- First, close the game
- Download Google Play Store 39.6.25-21 APK or any versions below v39.6.26: [0] [PR] 604467617-apk
- Turn off Wifi or Mobile Data
- Open Settings -> Apps -> All apps (or Settings -> Apps & notifications
- Click on Google Play Store
- Click on the three-dot menu button in the top-right corner and hit Uninstall updates.
- Install Google Play Store 39.6.25-21 APK
- The game will be able download assets without issues
Method #4 (Uninstall updates)
This is not recommended for older devices running older Android versions (E.g. Android 9)
- First, close the game
- Open Settings -> Apps -> All apps (or Settings -> Apps & notifications)
- Click on Google Play Store
- Click on the three-dot menu button in the top-right corner and hit Uninstall updates. Click on OK
- Start the game
- The game will be able to download assets without issues
Root methods
If you don’t have root, use Virtual Machine: List of Android Virtual Machine apps for Android devices - - Android & iOS MODs, Mobile Games & Apps
Method #1 (Install & overwrite)
This is recommended method for root
- Disable signature check using Lucky Patcher or Core Patch
- Download the game from the Play Store
- Start the game and let it fully download the assets
- Close the game
- Install and overwrite with unsigned or signed mod APK. No uninstall required
- Start the game.
- The game should not require to download assets anymore
Method #2 (Block Play Store update)
Magisk/Kitsune Mask and LSPosed is required
- Ensure that Zygisk is enabled in Magisk settings
- Download LSPosed or LSPosed_mod zygisk module
- Install the module in Magisk
- Install UpdateLocker APK. It’s up to you if you want launcher icon version or not
- Enable the UpdateLocker module in LSPosed
- Reboot
- Open UpdateLocker from LSPosed (without launcher icon version) or from app drawer (launcher icon version)
- Click on Select
- Check Show system apps and select Google Play Store
- Click Save
- Open Settings -> Apps -> All apps (or Settings -> Apps & notifications)
- Click on Google Play Store
- Click on the three-dot menu button in the top-right corner and hit Uninstall updates.
- Download Google Play Store 39.6.25-21 or any versions below v39.6.26 and install it: [0] [PR] 604467617-apk. If the factory version is higher than v39.6.26, use Lucky Patcher and install older version of modded or original Google Play Store below v39.6.26: How to install modded Google Play Store using Lucky Patcher (Root only) - - Android & iOS MODs, Mobile Games & Apps
- Now you should not worry about Play Store updating itself anymore. You can start the game and it will be able to download the assets without issues
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