How to make external mod menu in AndLua+ (Intermediate)

I have got some sources from other sites how to get started making external mod menu in AndLua+, especially for rooted devices or virtual space

This tutorial is intermediate. It is not for newbies, it is for modders who have the knowledge of memory hacking, GameGuardian lua scripting and AndLua+ scripting

You need a rooted device running Android 6.0 and above in order to work with external mod menu in AndLua+. VMOS app running Android 5.1.1 is not recomended yet

Download AndLua+ if you haven't installed it:


Download XMemory.lua:


Copy XMemory.lua to /data/data/com.AndLua.LY/app_lua/ using any file explorer app with root support

Don't forget to import XMemory.lua if you create a new project


Download KPUBG ALP.alp project


Or other mod menu projects you like

Open AndLua+, go to Project and Import project

Select the .alp file

If XMemory.lua is shown on the editor, do not open it. Otherwise you would get a runtime error until you delete your project (correct me if i'm wrong)
Runtime error: error loading module 'XMemory' from file '/sdcard/AndLua/project/KCODM/XMemory.lua':
/sdcard/AndLua/project/KCODM/XMemory.lua: not a precompiled chunk

To avoid accidental, close the file XMemory.lua, it won't broke your project

Now follow this video how to convert GameGuardian values/offsets for AndLua mod menu project

This are the function, type and regions:
-- 标程序 = "com.tencent.ig", < PackageName
-- 内存范 = "6",< This Are Region
-- 搜索数 = {{1073741824,1},{537149475,-60,1}},< {{Value Target Want To Make Hack,Type},{Value,Offset,Type}
--  修改数 = {{1125515264,0,1,0,0,0}} /// {Edit Value , Offsets, Type , Freeze , Freeze Inteval}
--print(搜索写入(内存修改)) -- this for execute ur value

--- REGION_C_BSS = 1, //  1. Cb
--- REGION_C_HEAP,   //  2. Ch
--- REGION_C_ALLOC,   //  3. Ca
--- REGION_C_DATA, //  4. Cd
--- REGION_STACK,  //  5. S
--- REGION_BAD,    //  6. B
--- REGION_JAVA_HEAP, //  7. Jh
--- REGION_ANONY,  //  8. A
--- REGION_CODE_APP,  //  9. Xa
--- REGION_CODE_SYS,  // 10. Xs

---   if counted from top to bottom
---   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

--- This Are Type.

--- DWORD = 1,  //
--- WORD, = 2   //
--- QWORD, = 3   //
--- FLOAT, = 4  //
--- DOUBLE, = 5     //
--- BYTE, = 6  //
--- HEX_L, = 7  //
--- HEX_B = 8   //

---   if counted from top to bottom
---   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

PS: I don't know much about GameGuardian value and scripting so don't ask me.

I will update this tutorial if there is more infomation

Terbit Mods/COK limite:
AndLua Telegram group:


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