Unity mono stuff for Android

I hosted them for anyone who need the original libmono, Managed dlls or other stuff to fix the games for Android

Download links below:
To download a specific folder, right click and choose download and it will download as zip. Simple

If the version you are looking for does not exist in the download links, please request me for the for the specific Unity version and I will upload

Where did you get them from?

From Unity editor. To get the unity stuff manually, you can go to https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download/archive to download older version of Unity editor

Pick the version you like and download Unity Installer.

In the installer, be sure to include Android Build Support

After installation, you can go to [unity location]\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer. All stuff for Android. Under Variations folder, you will see mono and il2cpp stuff

Have fun!


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