How to provide crash logs from MOD APK (With mod menu only)

Crash logs is only available if modders are using LGL Mod Menu 3.0 and above

So how to get the crash logs?

Run the game until it crash or restart, then use file manager of your choice and check the following location:

  • Android 10 and below: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/(game package name)/files
  • Android 11 and above: /storage/emulated/0/Documents/

Look after the text files mod_menu_crash_xxx-xxx.txt


The file should contain like this:


Share the crash log to the modder via attachment or private message

If there is no crash logs, then either the issue is in the game or modders does not use LGL Mod Menu 3.0 and above. You can try other way to provide crash log:

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