H5GG - iOS Cheat Engine

H5GG is an iOS Cheat Engine for JavaScript APIs & Html5 UI made by Tuancc.

provide memory APIs likely Android-GG’s Lua APIs.

support load scripts(*.js or *.html file) from loacl or network.

support load dylib plugin for javascript api (demo).

support auto search static pointer and offsets of the value.

and you can customize UI by using HTML+CSS without computer.

and you can make your own tweak(dylib) by click one button, so easy!

Discuss in Discord or iOSGods

Github repo


H5GG supported 4 modes to run:

  1. inject H5GG.dylib to ipa for non-jailbreak devices

  2. tweak(deb) auto load into all app for jailbroken devices

  3. standalone APP for jailbroken devices(compatible with iPad’s SlideOver+SplitView)

  4. Float On Screen for jailbroken devices(not compatible with iPad’s SlideOver+SplitView), tested on ios11~ios14

and there is a special version for TrollStore



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