How to create simple mod menu in Unity games
I have gotten a lot of request for a
tutorial how to make mod menu but haven't got time and almost forgot it. I had
to pause all my other protects and start working with this tutorial straight
With Mod menu, it allows the player
to choose what hacks to use. Mod menu can be useful in multiplayer games that player
can enable and disable hack quickly to avoid being reported by legit players
So let's get started.
- Basic Unity modding expernence
- Familar with C# and dnSpy
- dnSpy installed on your computer
- Unity editor installed on your
- Visual Studio 2017 installed on
your computer (Optional.)
Installing Unity editor:
Go to and select "Try
personal". It is completely free. Download and install it. If you like to
have Visaul Studio 2017 installed, make sure to select it in installer. If not
installed, you will use MonoDevelop.
Setting up Unity editor:
Launch Unity, login with your
account and complete your survey. After that you can create a new project. Name
it you want and keep 3D selected. Click "Create project"
The dashboard will launch.
Create a new C# script:
Click on Assets -> Create
-> C# script or right click on
Project section Create -> C# script
Drag your script and drop on top of Main Camera below Untitled to make sure your script is shown in game scene.
Designing and testing GUI:
Tip: While
you programming, you can click play and edit code while the game scene is
running. The editor will freeze a while when you open it.
Remove Start() and Update() methods
and add a OnGUI() method like this:
public class ModMenuScript : MonoBehaviour {
void OnGUI() {
Add some fields above OnGUI() so you
can use it later
public bool hack1;
public string string1;
public bool ShowHide = false;
Create a button " SHOW/HIDE"
GUI.Button(new Rect(20, 20, 160, 20), "SHOW/HIDE"
The numbers (20, 20,
160f, 20f) means (x, y, width, height)
Add if-statement on GUI button with
operator so you can hide/show menu by clicking on button
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(20, 20, 160, 20), "SHOW/HIDE"))
ShowHide =
Add new if statement code method to
design menu
if (ShowHide)
Add GUI box with title inside if
statement code
GUI.Box(new Rect(20, 50, 170, 150), "iAndroHacker's
mod menu");
And add the button with operator
bwloe GUI box
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(25, 80, 160f, 30f), string1))
hack1 =
Add new if-else-statement code that
changes the text
if (hack1)
string1 = "Unlimited health
hack1 = false;
string1 = "Unlimited health
hack1 = true;
Congratulations, you have created a
very simple mod menu. You can now customize and add more button easly by
yourself and view it in game scene J
See some useful documentation:
Adding mod menu into
assembly-sharp.dll file:
This is a tricky part because there
are many ways to add your own code like adding OnGUI method on any classes
(Loading, LoadingScreen, MainMenu, etc…) or add code on existing OnGUI methods.
Method 1: Adding OnGUI method
In this example, I will create OnGUI
and add my code in UserInterfaceManager on Super Dungeon Bros.
Find an active class or search
"Loading" and pick one of loading method. In my example, I picked
DisplayLoadingScreen located in UserInterfaceManager. Right click on
UserInterfaceManager and create a method.
Note: Make sure the class have Instance method. If it does
not have Instance, you have to create your own class
Name it OnGUI and click OK.
Right click on OnGUI(); and edit method
Remove "extern" and modify
code so it looks like this:
public void OnGUI() {
You can paste your code here and
compile it.
Remove "static" modifier
if mod menu doesn't appear
Method 2: Create a new class for GUI
Add a class on empty namespace
Add your whole code and name your
class. Make sure you add public and static modifier like below so other
classes can access the fields. Your method name must not be called OnGUI, call
it MyGUI or whatever. It is to avoid confusion with another OnGUI since Unity
always read something if it recognize OnGUI methods.
public void OnGUI()
ModMenuScript.OnGUI(); //makes problem
ModMenuScript.OnGUI(); //makes problem
if you don't add static modifer, you
will get an error "An object reference is required for the non-static
field, method, or property '<code>'"
Save the class. Sometimes dnSpy
can't find class you created so you have to save the assembly as
Assembly-Csharp1.dll or whatever, Close all dlls and open Assembly-Csharp1.dll
To make your mod menu appear
in-game, find an active class or search "Loading" and pick one of
loading method, create OnGUI method and edit the code like:
public void OnGUI()
Hacking functions
Now search some functions to hack. If
you had added OnGUI in an existing class with Instance method, modify the code
like this:
(I modify this getter method as an
public float ArmorCapacity
if (UserInterfaceManager.Instance.hack1)
return 999f;
return this._armorCapacity;
if (UserInterfaceManager.Instance.hack1)
return 999f;
return this._armorCapacity;
If you had added your own classes,
modify the code like this:
public int get_SupplyCost()
if (ModMenuScript.hack1)
return 999;
return this.UnitInstance.SupplyCost;
if (ModMenuScript.hack1)
return 999;
return this.UnitInstance.SupplyCost;
There are other ways to hack it but
these methods are the best way to hack for beginners.
Save the dll file and test your mod
menu J
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