Draggable flat mod menu template

So I finally had time to work with simple flat mod menu and it looks totally better than my previous crappy mod menu.

Source code:

You need basic knowledge of Unity and C#

It’s free to use without needed to credit to me. You can credit to me if you support me J


I used material color picker: https://www.materialpalette.com/colors

To load mod menu in-game, find active classes like UIRoot, UIdrawcall, Soundmanager and add:
public void OnGUI()

To hack a function, modify code like this
public int getDamage
       if (MyClassNameOfModMenu.toggle1)
              return 999999;
       return this.get_dmg;

For multiplier hack, modify code like this
public int getDamage
       return this.get_dmg * MyClassNameOfModMenu.dmgMulti;

Everything else are explained in source code


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